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 Short funny story

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عنِوآن آلتميزُ
عنِوآن آلتميزُ

المساهمـــات : 622
عُمرڪ ! : 32
الأعجـابــات : 11
sms : வட ந
جنسڪ ! : ذكر
العمل/الترفيه : طالب في مدرسة القرآن

Short funny story Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Short funny story   Short funny story Emptyالسبت ديسمبر 20, 2014 9:44 pm

Short funny story %D9%82%D8%B5%D8%A9_%D9%85%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%83%D8%A9_%D9%82%D8%B5%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9

                                                   rabbit  rabbit  rabbit

Once upon a time, the king has three daughters.
Love in the day that he tested the God of love. Gap large and uttered: Yaba, my dear Iddaysh Pthabay father King.
The girl is thinking: I love what fish may love the sea.
King thought and said in his mind: Iho fish as much live without the sea.
Hey girl Bethebeny lot. God said: I've been knowing you Bthbena But I do not for hydrogenation and he gave a big mansion and jewelry.

Gap Altanih girl and asked her the same question. Faqallh: I love what the bird may love Sama unroll Alzlamh and how. Palace side and gave her sister and jewelry.

Dimensions Jaap little girl (another cluster where the death of Elly) and asked her the same question.
The responsive: I love what may precision (mean thyme) you love chili.
Alzlamh huff and nerve and has to Vhaa palm. And easily obtainable from her hair and Zatha libra palace.
What pleased to hear them and the word text.

The girl Dart Balhawwara and on the sidewalks of the streets and hear the word of Haad and words of guided. To very poor farmer Madjaha love and endowed, and started married and lived Euch who followed the text of the woods.

There was days and days passed. One day the king was sitting hunting down the forest and forgot about the situation and was discharged and lost the role of the forest on the escorts.

Nor are they Hon. Dental Guard. Cloves, salt and creepy ??? . King lost his walks and walks up to what had happened to Halkuch small. Pfot Bertah Buckley said the summit. Knock on the door Fathloa owner of the house, which I do not know. He entered the atmosphere Haifa tired. And became tells with Alzlamh. His wife, I do not Javi them sound. The Alzlamh Bicol time Azlakelna Jajtin Let Ntashy and my coffin away. Min-time course ?? Clear small girl King.

Seemed to operate Paljajat and danger to mind the idea. Called their nuts and Kallh Khod little accuracy (mean thyme) Hai dish with oil on them Selco between what shape Alzlamh concludes eating dead hunger. God Alzlamh Jpth idea and the oil landed and accuracy before the king and said: Go ahead, my uncle on what equips eating. King is dead hunger, a love of precision (violin means thyme) a lot. What swallowing the first to summit does not become Libdeh vomiting. Shouted Balzlma: You Shu Haad accuracy of activities is ??? How Btakloha Hai ????

Suddenly I remember the small daughter and became Ieit. Alzlamh said. Shu Ya owner Zlamh you sapiens. Each Haad Sake little accuracy (thyme O group) Online Gaj Bkhals. King claimed to Zlamh recounted the story. It is concluded from Hun Ntt the girl and said: squirt you like the Pope? Bangladesh knew love?

And heck knew King Iddaysh Bthbh built. And Japtlh accuracy Bashth. Of course that does not eat them a bit because he came down Paljaj inventory, and gave
palaces and jewelry.

                                   Short funny story 1741713186 Short funny story 1741713186 Short funny story 1741713186
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Short funny story
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